Getting the Most from Managed IT Services in Philadelphia

Law firms large and small are struggling to keep up with the rapid changes taking place in eDiscovery. Ask litigators what their biggest challenge is, and you will get a variety of answers: Cost Time Volume of information Variety of data (emails, text messages,...

Ask the Experts: Courtroom Animation FAQ

Since 2000, Precise has been providing powerful courtroom animations to law firms across the country. In the last 17 years we have been asked dozens of questions about courtroom animations. Today we will answer the top 5 most commonly asked questions: What does the...

4 Benefits of eDiscovery Managed Services

In the unpredictable world of technology, one thing is guaranteed: change. When the phone you bought six months ago will be obsolete before the next Summer Olympics, you can see why it’s hard to stay on top of technological advancements. Technology is always...

The Versatility of Trial Animations

Screenshot from a molecular process animation Trial animations can be a litigator’s best friend. Animations are able to depict a 3D environment, showing the physical inter-relationship between people, places and evidence. They can show the viewpoint of a particular...

Jury Selection: Rely on Research, Not Instincts

Photo: Robert Couse-Baker, Flickr Creative Commons Lawyers often have default strategies when it comes to picking jurors: “I never pick students.” “Give me a blue-collar worker any day.” “I prefer businessmen for IP theft cases.” “I’ve been dealing with jurors a long...