What Does a Trial Presentation Specialist Do for My Case?

As any seasoned attorney knows, preparing a case involves hundreds of hours of work, from reviewing evidence and doing research to interviewing witnesses and preparing exhibits. Technology can help streamline some of this workload, but modern technology is evolving at...

Video Deposition Tips from the Experts at Precise

When a witness testifies in a courtroom, the visual aspect of their testimony is a one-time event. Afterwards, if jurors wish to review the testimony they are limited to court transcripts. Conversely, video depositions can be viewed multiple times during the course of...

The Brave New World of Trial Support Services – NY

Back in the mid 90’s, the American population got a front row seat to courtroom proceedings through the televising of O.J. Simpson’s murder trial. Since the majority of Americans will never serve on a jury, this offered citizens a rare chance to see opening and...

The Unsung Hero of Litigation Support: eDiscovery

When it comes to choosing litigation support, eDiscovery can often be overlooked by litigators as a key service. The emphasis is often on demonstratives (such as graphics, animations, and video), jury research, and consulting, but eDiscovery can have just as much...