How Important Are Courtroom Presentations?

How Important Are Courtroom Presentations?

Connect with Your Audience Whether you’re just beginning initial interviews with a new client or approaching the trial date, your presentation strategy should always be a priority. How you communicate the facts and the visual aids you’re able to employ can mean the...
Video for Litigation: Know Your Options

Video for Litigation: Know Your Options

Now that we’re well into the 21st century, you’ve probably used video for a variety of functions, including remote and interactive depositions or day-in-the-life videos for demand letters or jury trials. However, you may want to consider adding another class of videos...
What are the Elements of a Persuasive Settlement Video?

What are the Elements of a Persuasive Settlement Video?

Though there’s a science to compiling a demand package, there’s also an art to the craft. When executed with skill and precision, a settlement video can equate to a more favorable settlement for your client. Effective settlement videos combine the most compelling...
Who’s in the Hotseat?

Who’s in the Hotseat?

A trial has many moving parts, and it’s impossible for a single person or firm to evaluate every aspect objectively. From jury selection to medical presentations, a trial consultant can help prepare your team for trial and alert you to blind spots that need to...