Studies Show that the Attention Span of Today’s Jurors is Diminishing

To win a trial, it helps to be able to capture and hold the attention of all jurors present. Unfortunately, that is becoming an increasingly difficult task. A recent study has shown that, in the nearly 20 years since the introduction of smartphones, the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. Goldfish, by contrast, have an average attention span of 9 seconds. This means that attorneys will have an easier time holding the attention of a goldfish than of a jury member.

Further Information About the Study

The study in question was conducted by technology giant Microsoft. According to this study, participants who frequently use digital technology “struggle(d) to focus in environments where prolonged attention is needed.” Such environments include courtrooms. In addition, attorneys have to account for the fact that 65% of the population can be described as “visual learners,” and Americans spend an average of 11 hours a day on digital media. These are difficult times indeed for today’s attorneys. Fortunately, trial animations provide a solution to this problem.

Bridging the Attention Gap

Today’s attorneys face the challenge of having to bridge the ever-expanding attention gap in the digital age. One of the best ways to do this is through animations. Animations visually engage the jury while conveying complex facts in an easily digestible manner. Effective animation incorporates images, repetitions, and examples, which are all keys to information retention. Animated graphics improve both attention and retention, and they do so in a way that today’s juries find appealing.

Is Animation Admissable in Court?

Now that we have established animation’s role in holding a jury’s attention, we move on to the big question: is animation admissible in court? The answer is “yes,” if it is done the right way. For a well-crafted animation to be admitted as evidence in a trial, said animation needs to be validated by expert or witness testimony. This validation process begins when the animation is still in its earliest stages: a good animator will rely on expert/witness input while creating their first drafts. If this input is not given early on, the project could be delayed. Worse yet, the animation could be thrown out as evidence. That is why it is so important to work with an animator who is both talented and experienced–one who will go about the project the right way.

Who To Call For Trial Animation Services

When looking for an animation team who can capture the jury’s attention, and who can ensure that the animations make it into the courtroom, go with the company that has countless trial animations under its belt. Precise Trial has been providing attorneys with quality animations for twenty years. Precise Trial offers a wide array of animation, graphics, and video services. An expert forensic animator at Precise Trial can develop the images and presentations necessary to hold the jury’s attention–even in this modern, attention-deficient age.