Philadelphia Trial Consultant

In today’s electronics-obsessed society, jurors are expecting a slick, technologically savvy presentation. If your presentation isn’t engaging and memorable, you may lose the case, even if it seemed bulletproof. That is why Precise offers a full range of Philadelphia trial support services aimed at helping you craft a powerhouse presentation:

  • trial consultants
  • jury research tools
  • trial graphics and animations
  • video services
  • and Philadelphia IT support in the courtroom

Giving Your Presentation the Precise Advantage

Our Philadelphia trial support services really are start to finish: our support continues you in the courtroom, with leading edge equipment and a set-up that is tailored to the needs of each individual case. You don’t have to worry about purchasing expensive equipment, or borrowing courthouse’s equipment that you’re not familiar with. Our expert IT support staff in Philadelphia know the ins and outs of their equipment. We even offer a complete “mobile office” in the courtroom with the ability to scan, print, and handle remote documents via Internet access at your fingertips. They also help bring your exhibits to life.

Adaptable Animations

Our skilled graphic artists can create animations that allow you to explore a recreation from multiple angles. Perhaps you need an animation that depicts a construction site workplace injury with all relevant details in place, but you also want to call the jury’s attention to specific details. With a click of a button, elements of the animation (machinery, other workers, etc.) can be removed or added, giving greater clarity without compromising the integrity of the information.

But do you really want to disrupt your presentation to be pressing buttons? It can be distracting to both you and the jurors. If you are struggling to get the animation to do what you want, the jury may begin to doubt your competency. Or if you take too long to manipulate the animation, you may lose the jury’s attention.

That is why our Philadelphia IT support staff join you in the courtroom, expertly adjusting and handling exhibits at your direction. Because we helped create the presentation, we are familiar with the exhibits and can anticipate your next move.

Next-Level Depositions

We offer interactive depositions, allowing deponents to engage with exhibits via telestrator. Our Philadelphia IT support staff can switch the video between the deponent and the exhibit, or to a picture-in-picture format, depending on your needs. They can also sync depositions to transcripts, allowing for  “on-the-fly” editing, clip creation, and seamless courtroom playback.

Precise is There For You in the Courtroom

When presenting your case, it is a relief to know an expert has your back. If you are looking for quality, dedicated IT support in Philadelphia, call Precise today at 866-277-3247.