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Photo: jeff4379, Flickr Creative Commons

For over 15 years, Precise has been providing trial support services in Pittsburgh. We know the importance of making a good impression on a jury with your presentation. Today’s average juror watches over 5 hours of TV a day, making technology an important visual medium in the courtroom. But how can you best use technology to your advantage?

  1. Show, don’t just tell – Over half the population is made up of visual learners. They don’t want to simply be told a story; they want to see it for themselves. And since we now have a shorter attention span than goldfish, you have to be sure that you can keep the jury’s attention. If you are spending time digging through a box to find documents and exhibits, jurors are likely to become bored and distracted from your narrative. Technology keeps jurors engaged and helps them visualize events.
  2. Hire graphic design professionals – When trying to convey an abstract concept, a graphic is often the best way to make the information palatable to your jury. Our graphics experts have years of experience crafting animations and graphics for trials and know how to effectively communicate concepts to a jury. Demonstratives often influence the outcome of a trial in terms of whether or not the jury can grasp the difficult and abstract information you’re trying to convey.
  3. Vary your approach – Too much of a good thing can quickly turn against you. If your presentation is one long series of animations, the jury is likely to be overwhelmed. You want to use technology to emphasize your key points and increase memory retention. Mixing up your presentation style will also keep jurors engaged and interested.
  4. Use technology professionals – As an attorney, you want to be focused on the trial, not worrying whether you’ve set up the technology correctly. Our Pittsburgh trial support services include a trial consultant who will supply all necessary equipment, as well as setting up and operating the equipment during trial. They have experience troubleshooting and adapting in the blink of an eye to any curveball a trial may throw at them.
  5. Use technology wisely – Technology should never be intrusive; it is meant to be an aid. Technology should enhance and assist the flow of information, as well as promote retention. The jury doesn’t want to read along with a bullet point presentation; they want to look closely at documents and visualize a series of events. This is the sort of information you want to put forth in a technology presentation.

Affordable Pittsburgh Trial Support Services from Precise

Jurors don’t care about the cost involved in creating graphics, animation, and a stellar technology presentation. What they do care about is being able to understand the information pertinent to the case, and being able to recall that information when needed. With Precise on your side, you can be sure your presentation will have the quality technology it requires.

At Precise, we feel technology should never be cost-prohibitive. Use our expertise to implement cost-effective solutions and level the playing field in your litigation. Contact Precise today and learn more about how our Pittsburgh trial support services can benefit you.