Understanding the Importance of Computer Forensics

Criminal investigations have changed rapidly in the last 150 years, as new discoveries and techniques give investigators more information than ever before. In the late 1800s, fingerprints were first used to identify criminals and prove guilt at trial. DNA evidence was...

Accessing Data with Cell Phone Forensics

As of last spring, there were 237.72 million cell phone users in the United States alone. As smartphone technology expands, users are increasingly dropping landlines and using their personal cell phones as work phones. The cell phone becomes the central hub of their...

Understanding the eDiscovery Process

In order to successfully complete an eDiscovery investigation, you need to be familiar with how ESI (electronically stored information) is handled in each step of the eDiscovery process. Failure to handle ESI properly and efficiently can lead to high costs, long...

Data Culling: The Art of Paring Down Data in eDiscovery

eDiscovery requests tend to be a mixed blessing: they often provide invaluable evidence for your case (everything from alibi confirmation to a “smoking gun”) but this evidence is inevitably accompanied by an avalanche of extraneous information. With review being the...